About us

about us

Creative Engineering

Special inhouse development targetting engineering chalenges in many fields such as Projects in the field of Chemistry inChemistry, Mechanics, Software, Electronics & Hardware.

Projects in the field of Chemistry include :
* Heat barrier for high heat flux
* Water modification for slow perculation speed in any type of soil terrain
* Oil spill recovery and seperation from water
* Micro/Nano Plastic capture and encapsulation

Projects with integrated Mechanics, Electronics and software
* Engine oil purification and cleaning
* Plant growth chamber
* Solar tower

Hours Of Work
Projects Completed

what we do


Investigating and experimenting with proprietery formullation toward special new materials or material properties in the field of Chemistry,
Maximizing and streaching the boundaries of the known physics an chemics for a better world for the future of our kids


Taking design concepts to fullfillment and establishing a whole new way to make stuff - as in our innovative Solar tower (SolarJack) project.


Developing a new solutions for many existing problems such as Oil spills treatment, extended capability to harvest solar energy per square meter, creating new heat barrier materials - many of our solutions and developments are available for commercializations at different TRL's.

One Stop Shop HUB

To summerize our capabilities - we are a One Stop Shop enginerering facility located in both the USA and ISRAEL.